Coming to the Last Hooray

Don’t ask me how it happened. I was not in control. But life is often full to the brim. And that is where we find ourselves every fall. About Columbus Day we start celebrating every 3 to 4 weeks until St. Patrick Day. Remember 2024 when we had Easter jammed into March? My head was spinning. Too much, too, too much. By Good Sunday I was done. No more celebrating for me.

Wait, I lost myself there, we’re celebrating birthday, holiday, birthday, holiday, birthday, birthday, holiday. You get now. So, every year I am hanging on for that last birthday, then I crash. Done. Breathe. Check for broken bones. Now we pick up and get ready for another run. I tell you; it never truly stops in this ADHD home of mine.

I am 10 days away from the last birthday. Basically, I decided in early February, it was time for a recalibration of my life. Consequently, I am sneaking in little reminders that it’s time to stop, and rethink how I do everything. Do you, dear reader, every reach a point where enough is enough? And the only help is to step away and rethink it all?

Well, that’s where I am right now. Here we are on the cusp of March, for me March is the week between Christmas and New Year. During this month I will work like a busy beaver to set up a better working system to help me track all. the. things! Lord willing, by April 1 I will have all systems go, in order, and working. Stay tuned for an update.

Peaceful little lamb reminding me to breathe


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